Tuesday, January 5, 2010

why in creating web page, 60% for the content while 40% for creativity & designs.

In creating web page content must have the greater percent because it is the one wich carry the important information.  It is informative and it is more helpful specially to the students.
While Creativeness & designs are just one of the spices which will make the viewer or readers more interested.

Friday, December 11, 2009

experience in chatting part2

In many days of chatting I encountered different kind of people some are bad and naughty but most of them are nice and good. Just like Mr. Aks Prasad a 23-year old sales executive from Bangalore,India, Mr. Satish Kumar a 23-year old engineer from Bangalore,India, and Mr. Nikes Don a 23-year old from Singapore. They are such a nice person. Some topics we tackled, about ourselves, and i ask them how does internet education affects their life.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

experience in chatting

At first i am very excited cause i will be able to experience chatting online.
Its my first time to encounter foreign people, but then i am happy cause it helps me a  lot to practice my little knowledge in English.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

"The impact of Internet on Education"

There are two effects of internet on Education, the positive side and the negative side. The positive side brings easy way on students in searching any topics. It is accessible for long distance can connect to the families in cheaper means.
The negative side is too much used of internet can make people so addicted and hard to resist. It has online games causes  the students drop out from the school. It has Pornographic sites which is not good for the young.